Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday Work

Oh, oh. Mom thinks that I should maybe start doing some things for myself and become more self-sufficient (whatever that means). So, she partially closed the door to see if I would push it open myself. Now, understand, I am nearly 19 years old. I've spent enough years on this planet to think that maybe people should just wait on me and do stuff for me now. I think I've earned it.

But, no, Mom just sat on the other side of the door and kept calling me. I kept giving her that look that said, "Mom get off your butt and just open this door for me". But, she wasn't having any of it.

So, then what does she do? She gets out the BIG GUNS! Temtayshuns! Who can resist Temtayshuns? Certainly not me, but this door still looked too big to push.

So, she put a Temtayshun down on the floor and I thought I'd get a little paw action in. I got a couple of them that way.

But, enough of this. I just got tired and gave that old door a big push and got myself through. I think I need to send Mom back into training so she can learn to just wait on me again.

Mom and the Guy are going to be gone for Thanksgiving. They're going to visit my human sister in Pittsburgh so I won't be around for the rest of the week. I just want to wish all the kitty bloggers and their families a very Happy Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

We can't believe we just witnessed that!!! Oh my! Maybe some schooling will get her back on track of catering to your EFFURY need! We wish you and your family a very Happy Thanskgiving!!!

Milton said...

I'm just a little guy, and the ladybean is always jumpin' up to help me. Maybes ya should just get little.

The Island Cats said...

Rusty...being a senior citizen and all, all doors should be opened for you on your command!

Our mom and dad wish your mom and dad a Happy Thanksgiving and give our best to your human sister and Nathan!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We don't let a closed door stop us. It it is totally closed, we will pound on it till someone opens it. But you are a senior and should be waited on hand and paw!

Have a good Thanksgiving.

CCL Wendy said...

Way to go, Rusty! It's good for kitties to have what they call "enrichment" and not always make it so easy for them. It keeps the synpapses firing!

Glad to see you got your treats after all. It wasn't so hard, was it?

Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That looked like neglect to us. Do you want us to report her? She needs some serious retraining.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are proud of you for going for it with getting those Temptayshuns. Have a great Thanksgiving.

The Monkeys said...

Nice work, Rusty! It's amazing what a treat will do!

The Creek Cats said...

It's amazing what a kitty will accomplish for a temptayshun!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

Lisa said...

Happy thanksgiving to you too Rusty! Hope your mom will give you the gift of opening all your doors this holiday season :)

GLOGIRLY said...

That's just dirty pool. Your mom must not be very good at math. Does she know what 19 years old in cat years is for crying out loud!!!!!!!

Yes, Rusty... you've earned your own personal servant. I sure hope you'll be addressing this in her performance review.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Make sure they leave the treats out before they abandon you.

(Glogirly's cat)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ohhh, this is NOT on my friend. Not only should the door have been immediately opened but the treats should have been free flowing as you walked through!

Cory said...

Happy Thanksgiving Rusty! We are in shock that you were made to push that door open all by yourself. Sounds like elder abuse to us!

Parker said...

Rusty - I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and get some turkey brought back just for you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe your mom is just trying to kep you in tiptop shape. Happy Turkey Day!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you Rusty!

Milo and Alfie said...

Happy Thanksgiving Rusty ~ we hope they bring yoo some Turkey back, and they have a nice time.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, dear furriend:)