Sunday, November 8, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

I was sitting on Mom's lap on the porch and we were talking about the new heater stove thing and how we haven't needed it these last couple days cuz it's been so warm and the sun has really heated up the porch.

Then, I just couldn't help it. I just had to look inside that black flashy box thing (that doesn't flash much anymore since Mom took photography classes). I didn't see much inside there, so I'm not sure how that picture thing works at all. But, Mom shows me how it can save a memory of me. She says that will help make her feel better when I am gone. (Huh? Where am I going? Hey Mom, don't feel bad, I'm gonna be here a very long time!)


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope you are here for a very long time. Enjoy your porch!

The Island Cats said...

Haha! We love that close-up of you, Rusty!!! We can almost see up your nose!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope you are going to be here for a very long time too Rusty.

Lisa said...

Silly moms! You will be here for many many years to come!

Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches said...

We hope you will be here a furry long time, too! Moms get all silly dat way!

Fanks for stopping by our bloggie! Real toona is furry, furry yummy. Is soft, and sorta chewy, and, well, fishy? Hard to 'splain.

We sees you likes da whip cream in da can. MOL. We no likes dat noise it makes! It skeers us! Mom tried to give us sum, but we jumped back!

meowmeowmans said...

Great close up! That'll make for a great memory. But we hope you're around for a long, long time!

Cory said...

Oh that face! Tell your mom you plan on being here for a very long time.

Tigger said...

Hey Rusty--

How did you get into da 'gorgeous gingers'? We haz applied twicet, and no got any answer. No can grab the badge for our bloggie, either.
Me an Jigsaw, we iss 'gingers,' accordin to lots of da pickchurs on dat site..
Do you finks we missed sumpin in our applycashun?


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You look so funny peering into the flashy box! We are laughing. And you're not going anywhere. Our mom says stuff like that too, and we are always at home, so we don't get it.

Milo and Alfie said...

We love yoo Rusty ~ and yoo ain't going anywhere for a very long time yet.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh no you have to stay for ages and ages.. You have to stay for a very long time.. Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

Rusty, no need to try to figure out how flashy boxes or how humans work. Just know that your Mom loves you very much and wants you around forever.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

What an interesting close up photo of your face Rusty!

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is so cute that picture of you looking in the flashy box! And believe me how a flashy box works isn't all that interesting.

And we vote you stay a long time too - it stinks when friends go away so you just can't do that ok!

Anonymous said...

You're not going anywhere, Rusty! You've got many years of blogging ahead of you! We love you, furriend:)