Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rusty's Thursday

Mom let me have some donut for breakfast. I LIKE donuts! A LOT!

Then, I had so much energy from the donut, I went outside on the deck for a while.

But now, after all that, I think I'll just take a nap for now. I need rest these days, it's not easy being 19 1/2 years old. That's for sure.


CCL Wendy said...

Hi Rusty! It's so nice to see you again and know that you are well.

I have never heard of a kitty liking donuts -- especially ones covered with powdered sugar! You are very unique indeed.

If it gave you a burst of energy, all the better, and now you can have a well deserved nap.

Ah, life is good, even at your age.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Rusty! get DONUTS?!? You are a lucky mancat! All that sugar hyped ya up for an afternoon stroll on the deck! NICE! Sweet dreams!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are very special Rusty, donuts or not, it is always a pleasure to visit you!

cats of wildcat woods said...

Hi Rusty - we are sooo jealous you got donuts! Looking good these days. Our 19 year old Chica says hi - she thinks you are cute.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Rusty we are so jealous you got donut - we have licked the plate after donuts were on it but that is about it. We bet it was so yummy! And that is cool that you got that sugar rush going and went outside - we think we would do that too (well, maybe not the outside part). And hey, we think a nap is a great idea. YOu are looking good for 19 1/2 - we wouldn't even guess you were that age just from looking at you (but of course, we follow you so we knew that).

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Yummy donuts! Hey, at 19 1/2 anything you want you SHOULD get! Way to go Rusty!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Donuts! Are they as good ad whip cream?

Sweet Purrfections said...

My mom has never offered me those delicious powdered donuts. You are doing great for your age and deserve anything you want.

SuziQCat said...

The low from a sugar high is the pits Rusty...sleep well friend!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have never had donuts but if they give you energy you should have as many as you want.

The Island Cats said...

Man, Rusty, you sure are lucky to get donuts!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Donuts ROCK! I love donuts...Rusty, have you tried cookies? They're prety delishus, too.
~~The Baby XX


If you want a donut for breakfast well we hope you have one every morning! YOu look so handsome out on your porch and after all that excitement we don't blame you for taking a good long nap.


Sparkle said...

My human said I cannot have donuts. She says that maybe if I get to be 19-1/2 like you, Rusty, she may reconsider. Purrs and headbutts.

Parker said...

Hi Rusty!
A taste of donut sounds delish!
Have a great nap!

meowmeowmans said...

Looking good, Rusty! You get to eat donuts? Cool! The only bad thing is that once the sugar wears off, you want to take a nap...

Have a great weekend! :)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoo get donuts? WOW! Yoo are so lucky.

Anonymous said...

You're lookin' good, buddy. Go ahead and eat those donuts. At 19 1/2 years old, you deserve them:)

Cat Street Boyz said...

Hey Rusty, good to see you again, we think of you look good kid, purrrrz=^Y^=

Oskar said...

Dude, you don't look a day over 10! Great job on snagging that donut.

Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at

We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!

Nubbin wiggles,

Jans Funny Farm said...

WE came by to see how you're doing, Rusty. Hope you are enjoying some nice weather.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Love ya Rusty, purrrrrrrz, Toy, Tinker, Tang, Teak, TyGr, Cherokee and Setzer=^Y^=......and ICE

Poppy Q said...

Dude, you have earned a donut or two getting to your age.

cats of wildcat woods said...

Just been thinking about you Rusty - hope you are doing OK! Us older cats need to stick together.

Your friend, Chica

Chesney Cats said...

We thought we'd stop by to see how you're doing....hope all is well.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Hey Rusty, Happy 1st of November kid=^Y^=

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Rusty, you are so lucky to have gotten some delicious donuts for breakfast that day. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals