Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Caturday

Rusty's Mom here. I wanted to let everyone know how he's doing, I gave him some Childrens' Liquid Benedryl this morning and of course, he didn't like it much. But, it made him spit out a lot of mucus. So, I called the vet and they had me bring him in to give him an antibiotic shot in case he has an infection and also another shot that will help him with his congestion. So, as you can see below, he's resting quietly now and I'll see how he does when he wakes up. I know that for us beans it's not always easy getting older and I sometimes think that's the same for our beloved kitties. Thanks everyone for being there, Rusty and I both appreciate it.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope the shots make you feel better and help with your breathing Rusty.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Benedryl is very bitter and will make a cat salivate ropey saliva and foamy spit. Sometimes it helps to give a pill instead but put it in a #3 gelatin capsule to hide the bad taste.

Rusty looks rough, with his spiky furs, so he must not be grooming himself because he is so congested?

We hope he feels better real soon!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope the shot helps.

Whimpurr said...

Dear sweet Rusty, we sure hope you get feeling better again soon!

The Island Cats said...

We hope you're feeling better soon, Rusty!

Cat with a Garden said...

Those needles are nasty but they make you feel better. Make sure to get lots of rest in, sweet Rusty. We're sending purrs and hope you are better soon!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Awww, Rusty, keep getting better. It' sad to see you sick.

Teddy Westlife said...

Hey Rusty, I hope you're feeling better! Maybe being in the sun with me would make you feel good?

SeaThreePeeO said...

We're sending loads of puurrs and prayers that you get better soon Rusty!

Milo and Alfie said...

We hope Rusty feels betterer soon 'cos we love him.

Parker said...

Rusty, I hope you feel a lot better!
I think your Mom should give you lots of whipeed cream today, that should help! : )

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey sweet Rusty, my sisters and I are purring and purring so that you can feel all better real soon!

Amy & the house of cats said...

hi Rusty and Rusty's mom. We are a bit behind but glad for the update - hopefully the shot worked out for him. We are still sending him lots of get better purrs and prayers! Sniffles are no fun for anyone but especially for an older kitty it must be rough.