Sunday, January 17, 2010

Easy Like Sunday

Mom's still been trying to figure out what's causing my breathing problems. She took away my new bed, she thought that maybe I was allergic to something in it, and it was made in China and she's real antsy about things made in China these days. So, now I have a blue blankie to use as a bed for now. She's watching to see if I wheeze anymore.

Hi, Rusty's Mom here. We got the bloodwork results back from the vet. She told me that for a cat his age, his results were very good, so nothing unusual or overly abnormal there either. As Rusty complained above, I took away his new bed to see if maybe he's allergic to something in it. I've also quit feeding him Temptations and he's getting Greenies now, which he likes just as well. I've also quit burning scented candles, checked out the humidity setting on the furnace. I quit using Bounce dryer sheets too and just went back to Downy unscented fabric softener. These are all things that I can think of that changed or were added to his environment before the wheezing started. I guess when the wheezing/whistling stops I can then gradually re-introduce things to see if something sets if off again. He's been doing very well since yesterday afternoon and has only had a very slight wheeze again. So, we'll see how it goes. His vet just told me to watch him, since they can't find any medical reason causing this, except maybe indoor allergy. If he starts up again, I'm going to take him and get him x-rayed from his nose to his toes to see if something shows up. Thanks everyone for all the well-wishes and purrs. He seems to be holding his own for now.


Brian's Home Blog said...

YAY Rusty! Here's to a restful Sunday Rusty!

The Island Cats said...

Glad Rusty is doing better. We hope it's something as simple as something in the house that he's allergic to...

Cory said...

Rusty, we want you to feel better! When our guardian angel Maggie had breathing problems/allergies, mom got rid of the Bounce sheets from the dryer and she started cleaning with vinegar and water and that seemed to help a lot.

SeaThreePeeO said...

We hope that this is the end to Rusty's breathing problems xxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope you figure out which one is causing it. Our Mom uses Bounce unsented dryer sheets. they are eaiser than Downey.

The Monkeys said...

We're glad you're feeling better and not wheezing as much! That blanket looks really comfy!

Milo and Alfie said...

We're so glad dear Rusty is feeling betterer! HUGE smoochies from us!

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope that blanket is the reason you were wheezing and that things will be better from now on.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Rusty--DUDE, so you may be allergic to something? I hear ya on that-we all had sneezing fits a couple weeks ago. Tommy isn't sure what she did different, laundary, carpert freshner-Tommy had a Before Cat that sneezed cuz of the stuff she sprinkled on the carpet before vacummed. We don't have that problem now--Tommy never vacuums. :) Stay well, Randy Handsome ManCat!


Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope you can find out what is causing the wheezing soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you are doing better Rusty. We hope your mum can find out what you are allergic to.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We hope that you keep improving Rusty. Wheezing sounds like no fun. It's better to be up and about.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Rusty your mum sounds like she has things under control and will find out whet you are alergic to.Keep well friend.. Hugs GJ x

Nikita Cat said...

Hey there, felly March Meowser! (I'm March 5th 1998!)

Daddy & I are sending you our Purrs & Purrayers for a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Wow Rusty! Your Mom loves you whole bunches! She takes really good care of you, doesn't she? We hope that this problem gets figured out real soon. You had to give up Temptations? *shudder*

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Lisa, Jack and Baby here again to let you know that we left you a little award on our blog for Tuesday.

Parker said...

It's good to hear that he is doing better!

Anonymous said...

We older cats can be very sensitive to all kinds of stuff. Hope your mom finds out why you wheeze!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We are so happy to here that Rusty is doing better - it really is sounding a lot like an allergy at this point, since he is better with things gone. We hope that he keeps up with the improvement - but are still sending him lots of purrs and prayers to feel better!!

meowmeowmans said...

Hooray! Glad to hear Rusty is doing better, and that mom is on the case!

Everycat said...

We are happy you are doing better Rusty fella. That blue blanky looks very comfy. Our Mum read that some dessicants used in furniture and fabric manufacture in China have caused bad reactions in people so it was wise for your Mum to remove your old bed Rusty.

Keep getting better old fella!

Whicky Wuudler

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope that you get to feeling better Rusty! Your mom is thinking hard to help you!