Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cat Olympics

Ok, I wasn't going to really enter or host any Cat Olympics events. I mean, at my age, the only one I feel I'm really good at is napping. I mean, I probably nap more than anyone else on the blogosphere!

But, then I got to thinking. There are some things I can do quite well. One is the Twin Event. Now look at these photos. I think I do very well at looking like my nephew, Bastien's, twin.

Now, really, you can't look anymore like someone else than that, can you?

And, then there's the stairs climbing event. I have that mastered. With my house, there are so many stairs that I need to climb, that even at my advanced age, I can do quite well. Look at this form:

Is this not the face of a champion?

Yes, even if I don't win the gold, me and my Mom think I'm always a gold medal winner all around.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

RUS-TY! RUS-TY! We LOVE it!! You're a star in our eyes my friend, gold gold gold!

(our mummy sends you lots of extra cuddles)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We think you are a gold medal winner too. Those stairs look like the Extreme Climbing event to us.

Cory said...

You are a gold medal winner Rusty! We think a gold medal would look stunning with your fur.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wowsa! You are so good at that stair climbing! You win in my eyes! I thinks you should win a special medal!

The Island Cats said...

Aw, are an Olympian in our eyes!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I believe that if you climb that many steps that you definitely deserve gold!

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow we had a really hard time telling you and Bastien apart! Climbing those stairs is medal worthy too! You're a super Olympian!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Your talent is not to be topped, Rusty! You are a winner, paws down:)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yea, solid gold fur sure Rusty!!!

Noll's Nip said...

You certainly are a winner Rusty!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are an all around gold medal winner in our books! That is the face of a winner! You have great form in stair climbing!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your mom is right. You're a winner, Rusty. Age is immaterial. Jan creaks and groans when she goes up and down the porch steps. And you make it look effortless to go up a long flight. A medal to you!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoo are a GOLD medal winner every day to us! We LOVE yoo Rusters!

Cats in trees said...

We can see the experience in the perfection of your performance, we still miss half of the steps and make a mess of our stair climbing.

"The Boys" and Karen said...

Hi Rusty,

We're glad to meet you. And you are so right; you look so much like your nephew we can hardly tell which one is you. Can you give us a hint?

But best of all, "The Boys" are really excited to see your "steps" move. They've got steps to climb, too, so every little hint they get on how to do it helps them.

You're going to win, we just know it.

SuziQCat said...

Rusty that is awesome!! Both events should end in a gold medal for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna enter tomorrow, Rusty! I hope that it's not too late:( It takes us older kitties longer to get going! ~Tristan

meowmeowmans said...

R-U-S-T-Y! You are definitely a gold medal winner in our hearts! :)

Quill and Greyson said...

That is an impressive finish Rusty! Like the eye of the tiger!! Gold!! Thanks for playing!

College Term Papers said...

Thanks for share this information, I really didn't know about that, will get advantage from this,Thanks for share this.

Parker said...

You get the gold as far as I am concerned!

Anonymous said...

I entered! ~Tristan

Anonymous said...

We've given you an award over on our blog:)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Rusty we think you did a great job!!

Double Gold! Double Gold! Double Gold!