Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tummy and Toes Tuesday

This is a good day for tummies and toes, I think.

I had to go back to the V E T. I was sneezing and snotting and Mom was afraid I got an Upper Respiratory Infection from being at the Hospital overnight. The V E T said that it looked like it was not an infection, but just a virus (spelled Kitty Cold) that maybe I caught while I was there. She gave me a shot, just in case. But, I'm still sneezing, just not so bad now. Wonder how long these cold things last? It's been a week now and Mom is still a bit concerned. The V E T also gave Mom some pills that are supposed to perk up my appetite, I've lost a half pound in the last year and Mom was concerned that maybe I wasn't eating enough (those Moms are ALWAYS concerned about SOMETHING!) But, man do those pills work! I was so starving! I ate like a horse! Mom thinks maybe I'll gain a little weight back. I just hope this cold thing goes away soon. I don't like having a cold!


Lisa said...

Feel better soon! Shouldn't be a problem as long as you keep eating hearty meals! :)

Anonymous said...

You poor guy! We hope you feel better soon because colds are no fun at all:(

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry your not feeling well, Rusty! Colds can last about a week or so...we bet you'll be feeling better real soon...it's good that you're eating better too!

When Wally was a babycat, he sneezed for about 3 weeks!!! Even with taking antibiotics!!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

cat colds are a little like human colds...our immune system usually gets us over it in 10 days or so, but it takes longer when you are young or old sometimes. 80% of cats have been exposed to cold viruses (herpes, calici and chlamydia) and some can lay dormant in your body til a period of stress, and then show up like 3 days later...least that's what our mewmie says...and she works for a cat vet. L-Lysine helps, as well as saline nose drops and antibiotics to help with the bacterial part of it.

Tuck said...

Oh, poor Rusty! I hope you start feeling better soon!

The Monkeys said...

URIs are yucky! We hope you get better soon. It's great to see that those pills work so well and you're eating better.

You look adorable today, Rusty

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sorry you are not feeling up to par. Kirby was sneezing last week. He had to take a liquid that smelled like bananas. He hated it. But it stopped the sneezing.

Reese =^..^= said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well. You sure are cute though.

Forever Foster said...

We are sending you some great big get better purrs, Rusty!:)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope that bad old cold soon goes and you feel better. It is good that you are eating more.

Parker said...

I hope the cold goes away fast!

The Creek Cats said...

We are purring and purraying your kitty cold goes away furry soon, Rusty! Colds are no fun at all!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh poor you, its no fun at all having a cold. I will purr real hard that it goes away quickly..

Hugs GJ

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are eating better. Hope you get over your cold real quick!

Daisy said...

Rusty, I am very sorry you are feeling icky. I hope you get all better soon!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh it is too bad you have a cold. We have kitties who sneeze from allergies but not often with colds, so I can't imagine what that is like. I hope you feel better soon! And keep eating!!

Anonymous said...

It is not fun to be sneezing and snotting, especially if you don't have a tissue handy☺