This is a good day for tummies and toes, I think.
I had to go back to the V E T. I was sneezing and snotting and Mom was afraid I got an Upper Respiratory Infection from being at the Hospital overnight. The V E T said that it looked like it was not an infection, but just a virus (spelled Kitty Cold) that maybe I caught while I was there. She gave me a shot, just in case. But, I'm still sneezing, just not so bad now. Wonder how long these cold things last? It's been a week now and Mom is still a bit concerned. The V E T also gave Mom some pills that are supposed to perk up my appetite, I've lost a half pound in the last year and Mom was concerned that maybe I wasn't eating enough (those Moms are ALWAYS concerned about SOMETHING!) But, man do those pills work! I was so starving! I ate like a horse! Mom thinks maybe I'll gain a little weight back. I just hope this cold thing goes away soon. I don't like having a cold!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tummy and Toes Tuesday
Posted by Rusty at 8:08 PM 17 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Easy Like Sunday
Thought I'd relax on the front sidewalk and check out how the porch project is coming along. It's nearly done, the Guy just has to get the new lattice to put around the bottom. He's got it on order and hopes to have it in a week or so. The grass is all growing back in along the sidewalk real well, and Mom's breathing a sigh of relief. I think it's all turned out rather well.
This is my house. Mom tells me it was built in 1896, so it's pretty old, but we like it. Especially all the windows.
Posted by Rusty at 7:47 AM 16 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So Embarrassed!
I am so embarrassed! I mean really, here's my Mom on Mancat Monday posting that I was constipated! I mean, how mancatly is being constipated? Us Mancats are supposed to be cool and tough not constipated! It's gonna take me awhile to get over this embarrassment. Those Moms, they just don't have any clue on how to act sometimes!
I really didn't like being in the hospital, but I tried to be good because my Mom told me I should be. I also am a pretty smart guy and I just know that if you don't do what they want, they'll make you stay even LONGER and I sure wanted to go home. I didn't want to stay in that place any longer than I had too! But, I must admit, this is the relief I felt after it was all over. I have to tell you younger Mancat guys, getting old is the PITS! Sometimes it ain't fun at all!
Posted by Rusty at 8:00 AM 20 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Rusty Update
Hi, this is Rusty's Mom again. I just spoke with Rusty's vet and he's doing fine. She told me I can pick him up around 6:30 EDT, they wanted to give him fluids one more time and make sure that he's cleaned up. She said that he's pretty much cleaned out now. She suggested giving him the Petromalt on a daily basis for a week or so, then every other day after that. She also told me that I could put some Benefiber in his stinky goodness food or try some canned pumpkin or even baby food squash, just to get him a little more fiber in his diet. I'm thinking that now he's going to join me and the Guy trying to keep things regulated around here.
She did tell me that the last x-ray showed some arthritis in his spine, which is not unusual for a cat his age. But, other than that, he's in great shape age considered. So, I'm relieved. He'll probably post something tomorrow and tell you all about it.
-Rusty's Mom
Posted by Rusty at 4:21 PM 17 comments
Rusty News
Hi, this is Rusty's Mom. I know we haven't been blogging much lately, but it's been a really busy summer for us.
I wanted to let everyone know that Rusty is at the Animal Hospital after I took him in yesterday when he got constipated and was unable to easily have a bowel movement. The vet x-rayed him and said that yes, he did have a few poop balls stuck in his intestine and that they would give him an enema or two (poor Rusty) and keep him overnight. I just got an update, they told me that he did have a bowel movement last night, but they still feel that he hadn't gone enough yet, so they gave the poor boy another enema and they're keeping him for awhile longer to monitor him. The vet also told me that she saw something else in his x-ray that she thought was just a loop in his intestine near his stomach, but she wasn't sure until she saw the followup x-rays to see if it moves along. So, no word on that yet, but they said he's doing fine and eating well. So, everyone say a quick prayer that everything comes out all right (literally) and that Rusty can come home this afternoon and is fine.
Interestingly, the vet told me that I should give him Petromalt on a daily basis just to help keep things moving along in the future so they don't get stuck again. I plan to do that. He likes Petromalt and thinks it's a treat.
So, that's it on Rusty for now. I'll keep you all updated.
-Rusty's Mom
Posted by Rusty at 10:30 AM 10 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday Caturday
It rained this morning. Mom was glad it did, since the new grass seed they planted in the front wasn't doing real well and she thought it needed a good natural soaking. She also said the herb garden really needed a good watering.
I know about that, sometimes a good natural drink is the best. So, I went out on the deck table after the rain and had a real good, refreshing drink. Yummmmmmm.I haven't been around much lately, Mom's been pretty busy, so she days. I'm not real sure what she's been so busy at, she said she had a few computer problems that she thinks are resolved now. And she was hoping to get into some new job training program, but she's not real confident about that and she'll find out for sure this next week. I think she's just getting bored with things and not working.
She's really happy with the porch project. She and the Guy spend a lot of time out there sitting on the nice wicker furniture enjoying the cool breezes from all the open windows. The Guy's been painting, he's working on the floor today after getting all the walls done. I'll have to put up a finished picture when he's done. Mom wants a ceiling fan put in and I think she's going to get that. The Guy thought it was a good idea too.
So, that's about it for a Saturday, Caturday in Rusty's World.
Posted by Rusty at 2:41 PM 16 comments