We've had an interesting thing going on in the neighborhood lately. The Guy who's married to Mom had noticed a raccoon climbing down the downspout of the house across the street. Every day around the same time, this raccoon would be up on the roof, then climb down and head down the street towards the river. Mom wondered if she had babies up on that roof.

Mom says things haven't been quite so entertaining around here in a long while, but she does hope the babies figure out how to climb down the spout like their mom. The Guy who's married to Mom says if the mom can't get them to climb down, they could starve up there because she can only nurse them for so long. Mom hopes that things don't come to that. Mom suggested to the guy who lives in the house to put a 2x4 between the top roof and the porch roof just below it (which was the Guy who lives here's idea) that they might have an easier time climbing down that way. The guy who lives in the house just said he should get a shotgun. (Mom was a bit horrified at that thought!)
Mom says she just hope it all works out and the babies get down on the ground with their mom.
We can't believe that they're up on that roof like that! Please keep us posted on what happens to those sweet ones!
Hmmm...that's a interesting spot to have her babies...not! We sure hope those babies get down safely!
Well, it doesn't surprise me a bit that the racoon had her babies there - it is probably nice and safe from predators (the homes owner not included of course). I hope they get down safely and get away quickly! Thanks for posting - that first picture is especially cool!
I hope they were only on the roof and not in the attic! They will figure it out!
They are adorable...we also hope they get down before the homeowner gets any crazy ideas! There are certain regulations on firearms. You can't just shoot any animal just because you want to, they have to be a threat to you and if you do, it must be reported. Some crazy people in this world!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Well, they ARE in the attic. The guy who owns the house told my Mom that there's a hole under the shingles and the mother raccoon was holding up the shingles to let the babies out.
Hey, my Mom says that where we live everybody shoots every thing. In fact we have a guy on Council who regularly shoots red squirrels. Heck I always just caught them.
Our momma sayz dat she would get between that awful man and the bullets to save those babies! What a rotten, rotten man.
What cute neighbors you have, Rusty! I hope they decide to come down.
Those babies look cute. We hope they come down soon.
Make sure you keep your eye on them!
Fluffy and Bonkers
We've never seen a family of raccoons before! That was really neat to see. We figure there should be some kind of law against discharging a firearm where you and your neighbors live. Sounds like the neighbor was talking tough about shooting, but it doesn't impress us much...
We fink the guy married to your Mom should sneak over when the neighbours are out and fa-silly-tate arescue mission. 'Cos those babies are cute and every creature has a right to live.
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