Oh, oh, Mom's green packing bag is out. I think that means she's leaving for awhile.
I don't like that green packing bag. It means Mom will be gone. But Mom tells me that they're off to Pennsylvania since my human sister's baby is coming (come from where I wonder?), but anyhow we will be gone for awhile. Not sure when Mom will be back.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Gone for Awhile
Posted by Rusty at 7:12 PM 18 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I won! I won!
Rusty - Mom! Mom! I won, I won!
Mom - What did you win, Rusty?
Rusty - I won the CB t-shirt! I've never won ANYTHING before!
Mom - Well, that's very nice, Rusty. I'm glad you finally won something.
Rusty - Me too! I'm not real sure what a t-shirt is, but it sounds cool. I can't wait to get it!
Mom - It will come soon, sweetiepie. I'll let you know when the mailperson brings it, ok?
Rusty - Ok, but, I'll keep watching for the mail truck too!
Posted by Rusty at 1:33 PM 26 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Easy Like Sunday
I'm spending this Sunday snoozing in my bed all day. It got real cold last night, but at least we didn't get any awful white stuff. I'm hoping things get nice and warm again, and until then, this is where you'll find me.
Posted by Rusty at 11:05 AM 19 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Saturday Caturday First Day of Spring
We've been having some really great weather here this past week. It's been in the 60s and the sun has been shining. I've been able to spend a lot of time on my favorite chair on the porch snoozing. Mom says that's all spose to change today, it's spose to get cold again and even snow! So much for Spring! But, Mom says that's how the weather does this time of year. She says in April, old man winter will finally be done. I can't wait. I LIKE going outside and snoozing on the porch!
Posted by Rusty at 9:31 AM 12 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
After the Pawty...
Thanks so much everybuddy for coming to my pawty yesterday and helping me celebrate turning 19. I had a great time and and hope that you all did too. We partied hardy all night long! What a way to celebrate this milestone in my life. Now, I think today I'm going to have Mom clear the party remnants from my bed so that I can take a nice long nap.
Posted by Rusty at 8:16 AM 24 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's my 19th Purrthday!
Welcome to my 19th Purrthday Pawty!

So everyone come in and have a great time, we'll celebrate all day long!
Posted by Rusty at 8:17 AM 56 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tomorrow's my Birthday!
I will be 19 years old! Everyone please come and celebrate with me, I'll have lots of good stuff (if I can get Mom off her butt and get busy).
I'm even taking a bath and cleaning my toes to get ready too!
Posted by Rusty at 12:54 PM 26 comments