Sometimes the best Christmas gift is just a BIG box!
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snowy Caturday
This is what I see this morning when I look out the deck door. I tried to go out, but I just didn't like that white stuff all over EVERYTHING! So, looks like I'm staying inside, but I'm kinda bored. Maybe I can get Mom to take pity on me and just feed me lots of treats today.
Hope everyone has a great Caturday and weekend.
Posted by Rusty at 10:22 AM 15 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Finally Friday!
It's finally Friday and I sure am glad. It's been a busy week, Mom and the Guy have been out shopping and Mom's been working on getting the house cleaned up. My human sister comes here next week and then they're all going to Pennsylvania for a few days. I'll be home with the house sitter again. *sigh* Either we need to move to Pennsylvania or my human sister needs to move back here!
Mom finally got my present wrapped this week. It's not real big, but she says that sometimes the best things come in smaller packages (I think she's talking about me too cuz I'm kinda small).
And, mine's the only one that has ribbon on it, Mom knows I like ribbon.
Mom has a lot to do next week, she has to bake Potica, which is a Slovenian nut bread. It's an old family recipe handed down for generations. So, I just hope she doesn't get too busy (there's that four-letter word again) to help me blog. I'll just have to bug her a lot!
Posted by Rusty at 1:36 PM 8 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mancat Monday and We're Decorated!
We are decorated! And, in my usual mancatly manner, I made sure I snoopervised and that everything was done right.Yep, it all looks good to me, except for that spot on the bench to the right of the tree. Can I fit up there to get to the window to look out?
Mom! I'm not sure I can fit there on the bench next to the tree!
Yes, Rusty, you can fit there. There's plenty of room for you.
Ok, guess I just have to trust that Mom knows what she's talking about. I'll check it out later on tonight when I like to look out to see what's wandering around my neighborhood in the dark.
I wonder if any of those presents there are for me?Nope, my name wasn't on any of the tags! Mom said my present wasn't wrapped yet, she needed to get some more paper. Guess I'll just have to trust her on that one too.
Then I spent a little bit of time looking around on the rug to make sure Mom didn't miss any decorations (and sometimes there's a treat or two there for me too!)Mom took this fancy photo using a speshul filter for the flashy box that makes the lights look like stars.
Posted by Rusty at 12:52 PM 12 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Easy Like Sunday
Ahhhh, Sunday morning. A very relaxing time in my house.Here I am sitting on my Mom's lap while she and the Guy watch Sunday Morning on TV. It doesn't get any easier than this. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
The power is all back to normal at my house, it got fixed on Friday. So, Mom can do all the normal things she does like cook. I'm glad it's back to normal. Mom and the Guy are going to put up the Christmas tree today. And, Mom's got lots of presents to wrap too.
Posted by Rusty at 10:02 AM 11 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We're currently having a power brownout situation here. Mom says we should be grateful we have enough power to run the furnace, but she's having problems with running our main computer that has all my photos and stuff. Right now she's using the laptop. Internet is spotty, she's trying to keep the cable modem, router and at least the wireless up and running. We're not sure how long we're going to be like this, but I sure hope it's not too long.
Posted by Rusty at 10:24 AM 12 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Mancat Monday
I think I've been here once before. I seem to remember a not very nice experience.

Posted by Rusty at 3:09 PM 15 comments