Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rusty's Mom Writes

I want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and wishes. It's been really hard for me after losing Rusty. We had gotten so attached to each other after Grady passed away. We were so close. I feel like I lost a part of myself. It has been so hard. I know you all understand. Some days I just wish I could see his little face again. It brings me to tears.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts. They make my cry when I remember, but they do offer me comfort too.

Letting him go has not been easy.


Brian's Home Blog said...

We totally understand, we all miss your sweet Rusty too. Purrs & hugs.

Katnip Lounge said...

We are here for you, in fact it was good to hear from you. Rusty was a Special Boy and we miss him too.

Please take care. As long as we remember them, our loved ones are with us.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We understand. We went through the same feelings when we had to let Wizard go. I cried for months. We are here for you and honor his memory!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh,yes, you have lots of blogging friends who understand. We know this has been so hard on you. We send lots of purrs and tail wags.


You won't find a one of us whose heart has not been scarred with loss...we all understand. And we share in your sorrow and we miss Rusty too. I am so glad you posted and would love for you feel comfort talking about Rusty here. Our deepest sympathy for the Rusty size hole in your heart.
Abby's Mom Debra

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My friend... I am so sorry that I haven't been here sooner, I've only just heard the news.

You're in our thoughts, I know what you're going through only just having lost Inigo not so long ago. I hope they're together at the bridge, playing with all the catnip mice in sunpuddles.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Losing a kitty-cat angel is just not easy, ever. We love them so much, and they love in return, pretty much unconditionally. I dread when Jack's time comes (although that guy is full of piss and vinegar and holding on to amazing energy and well-being despite diabetes, cancer, dental disease, and CRF). Rusty was such a sweet and peaceful boy.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We so understand. Mom said she can relate to how you feel, 'cos when she lost Henry (Lilac Point Siamese, 1985 ~ 2004) it was, and still is the same. She still cries for Henry even now.
But she said to remind you that Rusty and Grady have special places in your heart, and will always be there with you (just like Henry is for her). Mom hopes that eventually the pain will lessen for you, and the beautiful memories will take precedence ~ even though you will always feel a loss.
Love and (((hugs))) to you.

Maybe one day, when you are ready you could offer a home to a kitten ~ and let all the love taught to you by Grady and Rusty, benefit another furball. Maybe. It took mom 4 years to feel ready for us, but then she said she wished she'd done it sooner. She said we helped heal her pain.

Parker said...

We know that losing Rusty has left a big hole in your heart.
We do understand.

Forever Foster said...

We just send love.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We know exactly how you feel, but Rusty will always live on in your heart. You have many years of memories to treasure. We send you purrs and mum sends hugs.

SeaThreePeeO said...


Anonymous said...

I was a loyal reader of Rusty's blog but never commented, my mom loved Rusty because he looked just like me. I am a senior citizen so Mom is dreading the day that she has to let me go. I loved Rusty, he was such a great guy. I hope you'll be able to open you home to a needy kitty in memory of Rusty.
Jake the red tabby.

meowmeowmans said...

We are sending purrs, love and hugs to you.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We send our love and hugs too.

The Creek Cats said...

(((hugs))) We completely understand how you are feeling and our thoughts and purrs are with you.

Cliff and Olivia said...

We're so sorry we didn't notice this before now. We send lots of purrs to those Rusty left behind.

Rusty was an inspiration.

Cliff and Olivia

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Rusty's mom. We understand why you are so sad - Rusty was just such a sweet boy. We still think of him too and miss him a lot - we can't even imagine how hard this has to be for you. We are sending over lots and lots of purrs and prayers.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We just popped by to say we hope you ar doing OK. We know you stil miss Rusty, and Grady.

Echik said...

I am so sorry for your loss. :-( Even though I haven't gotten the chance to meet poor Rusty, I know that he's been a good and sweet companion to you and your family.

I know what you're feelin' right now is really hard, especially when you two have gotten so much attached to each other. I will include Rusty in my prayers. I am sure he is now happy with Grady. They're both watching over you.

Be strong and keep your faith.

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Jennifer said...

Please feel free to write a story about your Rusty and share it with my readers.

I know that Rusty isn't a Ragdoll cat, but we love all kitties over at!

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry that you lost your Sweet Rusty. He looked like he was a cool cat. Thank you for helping your sweet baby to the bridge. I've had to do that twice and it is so hard. My face was the last thing my babies saw though before they went and they loved their mommy..just like Rusty loved you so.
Again Im Sorry.
Jude the Dude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hi, we just popped back to see how you are doing? We haven't forgotten you.