Friday, June 19, 2009

International Box Day

Mom wasn't able to find a lot of box pictures. She said that she knew I had been in boxes a lot during my life, but she just didn't take pictures everytime. In the old days, pictures weren't as easy as they are now, you had to have something called filem and take the filem to a place to have it made into pictures. Dijital cameras do a much faster job and are so much easier.

Here I am in a computer paper box when Mom was cleaning out the closet. It was a cozy fit.

I think the guy got something from a place called You-Pee-Ess and this was the box it came in.

And, this is my nephew Bastien, inside his toy box. Next to him is his favorite toy, the sheep. You can see its legs sticking up.

These are some very old photos, Mom had to put them in the scanning machine to put them on the 'puter.

This is a picture of me and Grady when we were very young. We were both in the carpet covered box (does that count?) My human sister took this picture.

And this is me, in all my glory. This picture was taken when I was about five years old.


The Island Cats said...

Great box pics, Rusty!

Anonymous said...

Alla' youz guys is cute but our momma just fell in ♥ wif your cousin's photo! She's a sucker for a baby☺

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Great box photos Rusty. You looked cute in the little computer paper box.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your mom found more than Jan did. Jan just isn't on the ball.

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture of you as a youngster! We think carpet boxes do count!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

What a sweet memory of Grady! Very cute pictures!

The Crew said...

Very nice, Rusty. Of course a carpet covered box counts! It's a BOX, isn't it. Mom showed a picture of me in our litterbox!

Max S

Parker said...

Rusty, that was a great group of photos!!!

The Monkeys said...

You look so handsome in your boxes, Rusty!

Happy Box day!

Daisy said...

Happy International Box day! My Mommie says she is glad she can take photos now without filem!

Milo and Alfie said...

Rusty, we are so glad you included Grady in IBD! You two look so cute in the carpet covered box. And we love the snug fit box.

Milo and Alfie xx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Those box pictures are lovely. I love the carpet covered ne. You look cosy..

Hugs GJ x

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are great pictures - and of course the carpet covered box counts - I think if box is in the name it should always count!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Very nice box photos Rusty even the carpeted ones! Your cousin looks like Tinker did when he was little, aw, so cute!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Anonymous said...

Those are some very nice pictures, Rusty:) We especially like the last one!

Baby Patches said...

You looks so cute in dat computer paper box Rusty!

I also luvs dat last picture of you hangings out of your condo!


Forever Foster said...

The paper box is a wonderful size for snuggling. It was cool to see the picture from when you were 5.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy International Box Day! Your pictures are great!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

Thanks for reminding mom what a pain it was to go get film developed! Now she can take 100 pictures a day if she wants to! Yay! You look very handsome in your box!

Tuck said...

Those were some great box photos Rusty!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Those are wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing! Your nephew Bastien is real cute! Your cute in the computer paper box!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

That's a boxfull of mancatlyness, that furr sure! We could tell you were probably a handsome young mancat you are distinguished!

Shrek said...

Happy box day Rusty! You look good in a box!